• +91-9935500377
  • info@littleleaf.one

Know More About Little Leaf

Little Leaf is a Pioneer in the Waste Management Services for all kinds of sources, be it a Home, Office, Factories, Schools, Hospitals.
Little Leaf is contributing towards betterment of Society in India.

About Little Leaf

Little Leaf is a not for profit organization with the primary objective of creating awareness in society for the proper waste segregation and collection of different kind of waste so that 100% of the waste can be put into the value chain system ensuring recycling/upcycling.

The seed of little leaf was sowed in Pune during the lockdown period of 2020 wherein Pritu Chaudhary along with her 2 teenage daughters started encouraging the neighbors in society for the proper collection of waste and then disposing off them in an environment friendly manner.

The generation of waste in inevitable as we all need commodities for our survival but at the same we are well aware of the menace created by waste and its adverse impact on our community and climate change. Little Leaf is a small step towards a sustainable solution to this long standing problem. The advantage which Little leaf has is its long term tie up with the collectors, recyclers and up cyclers which ensures that the whole process is convenient and user friendly.

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All the proceeds and donations which is generated during this process in again reinvested in society in the form of providing education to under privileged children or in planting more and more trees.


Waste Management for Offices

Little Leaf has complete Solution to manage the variety of waste that is generated from Offices in your City


Waste Management for Homes

Little Leaf provides complete assistance to Homeowners in collecting of their Garbage and Recycling the same.


Waste Management for Industry

Little Leaf has the Team and Resources to completely handly all kinds of Wastes that come out of Modern Industries.


Recycling through Little Leaf

Are you ready and willing to contribute towards a healthier earth? Little Leaf can help you with small steps that you can take in your daily activity which may go on to make major changes in the environment around you. Be it your Home, Office, Shop or Factory, your small contribution with recycling can provide a better future to the upcoming generations.
