• +91-9935500377
  • info@littleleaf.one

Industrial Waste Recycling


Let’s move towards green to keep the planet clean

Little Leaf is your single source for smarter Waste Processing solutions. We combine advanced technology and years of experience to design, build, operate, and maintain custom dewatering and oil recovery processes to help you minimize waste, maximize recovery, and more

Whether you are managing variable waste streams like tank bottoms or dealing with routine streams, having an experienced ally in waste processing can often mean the difference between success and failure

Which Industry needs our Service


We use our first-hand experience designing, building and operating industrial waste facilities to effectively process wastewater, emulsified offshore crude, drilling wastes and other waste streams associated with exploration and production.

Food & Protein

Our 3-phase centrifuge will produce the driest dewatered solids in the industry, which means reduced waste volumes, lower total operating costs, and a more valuable recovered commodity.


Whether your municipality has 500 or 5,000,000 residents, we have a waste processing solution that will meet everyone's needs.

Waste Water Treatment?

Nothing is more critical than developing the right mechanical separation solution to maximize solids separation and volume reduction. You need the right technology and the right team to manage your waste processing needs and we're here to help.
